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“Come away, my lover, and be like a gazelle or like a young stag on the spice-laden mountains.”

(Songs 8:14)


The bride is covered by a cloak the color of shadow – it is the covering of humility chosen by the Beloved Soul so that all the glory would belong to the Bridegroom.

But if you look under the hood you will see the beauty of the righteous Soul. The Bride’s head is decorated with white lilies – her thoughts are clean. The inside of her clothes is a fruitful vineyard, the fruits of the righteous life in God.

The foundation of her life is the Blood of Jesus and the Word of God. Here are written the verses from Revelation 22:4: “They will see his face and his name will be on their foreheads.”

Fruitful olive branches are growing from this foundation. They are the fruit of peace with God and good news. The Bride’s dress is decorated with the picture of Heavenly Jerusalem which is the main perspective of the Beloved Soul’s life. Her heart is winged; the soul freely follows the Lord.


Art print "Beloved Soul"


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